Lehel Babos

Tokyo based Product Designer

I use Design Thinking, Figma, code and everything in between to solve problems, and ship products.

What I do

I believe good design doesn't happen in a vacuum. Building and delivering products is a team sport, and one of the most challenging but rewarding aspects of my work is being a conduit between design, engineering and business strategy. Helping other designers improve their craft, and making design accessible to those new to it.

I focus on how to break down and simplify complex user problems, and build clean, effective and accessible UIs around a solution. On a broader level, I think a lot about how to craft design systems that work for both designers and developers. Personal and team process, and how to build and maintain a healthy team culture.Sometimes I write about it on Medium.

Other pursuits

When I'm not pushing code, pixels or sticky notes, I'm usually eating and drinking my way across the city one cocktail bar and noodle shop at a time.Curious? Check out my instagram.

